How to release

This is documenting the release process.

Git flow &

Make sure the is up to date and follows the guidelines. Start the release with git flow:

git flow release start YYYY.MMDD

Now update the [Unreleased] section to match the new release version. Also update the version string from the src/kivy_garden/zbarcam/ file. Then commit and finish release.

git commit -a -m "YYYY.MMDD"
git flow release finish

Push everything, make sure tags are also pushed:

git push
git push origin master:master
git push --tags

Publish to PyPI

Build it:

make release/build

This will build two packages, kivy_garden.zbarcam and the alias meta-package zbarcam. Also note we’re running twine check on both archives. You can also check archive content manually via:

tar -tvf dist/kivy_garden.zbarcam-*.tar.gz

Last step is to upload both packages:

make release/upload

Check Read the Docs

Make sure is up to date.


Got to GitHub Release/Tags, click “Add release notes” for the tag just created. Add the tag name in the “Release title” field and the relevant section in the “Describe this release” textarea field. Finally, attach the generated APK release file and click “Publish release”.